New release! Huge dev milestones! Including the first iteration of the Adventure mode - explorable zones filled with combat encounters, a new Ogre Boss enemy, polished Battles including improved animations, effects and audio, new and returning NPCs, return of the Island biome, plus heaps of improvements and bug fixes!
Please check it out and let me know what you think!
What are we working on?
I'll be doing some routine project maintenance, code cleanup and fixing any bugs that may arise following this release. Then back on to features and content for the next builds. Stay tuned for an update on what's next in the coming week :)
When is the next build coming out?
General Access for Monster Charmer 0.8.0 will be released later this month. Early access for Monster Charmer 0.9.0 will be ready early next month! Now that we've got a stable base to work from, I aim to be back on a regular monthly release schedule.
- Amra

Monster Charmer 0.8.0 build notes
New & Changed
- Added Adventure Mode, accessed via the Dungeon Map. There are currently two zones with preset encounters to explore.
- Luna returns! She currently resides in the Guild Hall by the Dungeon Map. She can help you out with Card Crafting & Deck Management. She's also available to heal you up and save your progress between adventures.
- New enemy type - Ogre Boss - including a new charm animation.
- New defeated animation.
- Added a Monster Trainer to the Guild Hall. She'll let you practice on her Monsters for a fee.
- Improved Battle animations, VFX, and audio.
- Volume control.
- Added a simple progress save feature; speak to Luna to save your progress between adventures.
- Too many smaller improvements and bug fixes to count!
Known Issues
- Character progression & RPG systems are still under heavy development - cards, abilities, and balance are not final! That said, all feedback and suggestions for the current systems are very welcome.
- *Not all hairstyles have physics rigs, and most of the hair physics rigs are first-pass
- There is no swimming and no invisible walls. You may fall into infinity if you run far enough into the deep.