Hey everybody! This fortnight has been a hectic one, but Monster Charmer 0.9.0 is finally ready to go :)
Please check it out and let me know what you think! Download and build notes below!
What are we working on?
Routine project maintenance and bug fixing over the next few days, in case any issues with the latest release come up. I've been iterating on a lot of the core gameplay systems in the background throughout this work and I'm aiming to get a lot of this progress to a playable state for the next release. The next update will be meaty.
When is the next build coming out?
General Access for Monster Charmer 0.9.0 will be released in early August. The next Early Access release is going to be a monumental one and I'm aiming to have it shippable late August/early September. I'll check in with progress updates as we go.
- Amra

Monster Charmer 0.9.0 build notes
New & Changed
- Yasmin returns to each of the Island adventure zones - she'll play dice with you again, for gold if you're game.
- Added a Mysterious Healer to each of the Island adventure zones - she will fully restore your health once per adventure.
- Added Dice gambling minigame.
- Added Loot stashes.
- Added several new combat encounters to each zone.
- Added "Captured Human" quest to the Goblin-infested Island.
- Improved Island biome, with higher fidelity foliage, greater foliage density, improved vegetation interactions and performance optimizations across the board.
- Added a simple navigation radar when in the Adventure zones.
- Added player footstep sounds.
- Fixed Volume controls not saving volume correctly.
- Many smaller performance optimizations and bug fixes.
Known Issues
- Character progression & RPG systems are still under heavy development - cards, abilities, and balance are not final! That said, all feedback and suggestions for the current systems are very welcome.
- *Not all hairstyles have physics rigs, and most of the hair physics rigs are first-pass
- There is no swimming and no invisible walls. You may fall into infinity if you run far enough into the deep.