
Progress Update - June 18

Monster Charmer Progress Update - June 18

2 years ago

Latest Post Progress Update - 30 September by Amra public

What are we working on?

All core features, except the shop and card upgrades, are now implemented. We've finally moved into our new environment, and the game is now playable from start to finish. It's already both hot and FUN! We're still working on final content (enemies, animations, quest encounters) and which class/deck to ship first. Things are looking really good :) The sneak peek above shows our Human Fighter squaring up against an early-game Goblin.

When is the next build coming out?

ASAP! There are still some loose ends to tie up and a final content pass to complete before we're ready to unleash the game upon you. Early July is looking likely right now :)

Thank you for your support!

~ Grave Companions


Published 2 years ago