
Monster Charmer 0.13.0

Hey everyone! Big year. We've had a few speed bumps this month but are now zooming into the new year. I'm aiming to have the major

7 months ago

Latest Post Progress Update - 27 April by Amra public

Hey everyone! Big year. We've had a few speed bumps this month but are now zooming into the new year. I'm aiming to have the major gameplay release ready in January. However, there are a bunch of improvements that I want to get into your hands before Christmas, including a new Minotaur Charm animation, a handful of bug fixes, and more performance improvements. Complete change list below.

The next General Access will be for Monster Charmer 0.13.0 (this build) and will go out in January alongside 0.14.0.

Download Monster Charmer 0.13.0 here

- Amra

Monster Charmer 0.13.0 build notes

New & Changed

Known Issues


Published 7 months ago