Hey everybody!
Work on the big gameplay milestone is still steaming along! I'll have details to show and share in a dedicated gameplay update next week.
As we're already at the end of February (!!), I've prepared another interim build with some minor fixes and improvements. And importantly, I've completely removed Patreon authentication from the game as of this build. This is for a number of reasons; chiefly the Patreon API becoming more unreliable in recent times, resulting in poor access to the game, as well as a desire to become less dependent upon Patreon in general. Along these lines, we'll be setting up more avenues to follow & support the development of the game over the coming weeks.
There's a lot more to come in the first half of March, so stay tuned 😸
Download Monster Charmer 0.13.2 here
- Amra

Monster Charmer 0.13.2 build notes
New & Changed
- Patreon authentication has been completely removed.
- All Weapons & Armour are now unlocked at the beginning of the game.
- All Monster Battles & Charms in the Book of Monster Summoning are now unlocked at the beginning of the game. If you haven't already, please play around and test out the existing encounters before the next big gameplay milestone :)
- Fixed broken Palm tree colliders.
- Implemented mouse-only movement and interaction to enable one-handed play. Hold both the left & right mouse buttons to move forward. Interactions (ie. "Talk", "Use", "Equip") can now be activated by clicking on the desired tooltip as well as by keyboard shortcut.
- More rendering & animation optimizations.
- Added idle blinking and look behaviour to the Player character.
Known Issues
- Character progression & RPG systems are still under heavy development - cards, abilities, and especially balance are not final!
- Not all hairstyles have physics rigs, and most hair physics rigs are first-pass.
- There is no swimming and no invisible walls. You may fall into infinity if you run far enough into the deep.
- Hair materials look off in specific lighting scenarios.
- Save game functionality is currently broken and disabled! To be implemented in the major gameplay release.
- The Batkini and Plate Armour do not have full shapes and genitals support yet, this will also be fixed in a future release.