
Monster Charmer 0.14.0

Hail and a belated Happy Easter! Our environment and game structure are now set up to support the coming "Gameplay 1.0". The Monster Charmer's Guild

a year ago

Latest Post Progress Update - 28 October by Amra public

Hail and a belated Happy Easter!

Our environment and game structure are now set up to support the coming "Gameplay 1.0". The Monster Charmer's Guild is now fully integrated into the greater streaming open-world map, along with all of the explorable areas - currently five hard-coded islands. Our entire environment stack has been reworked to support this massive expansion, including the integration of interior/exterior spaces, multiple scenes, etc. The coming builds will involve me stuffing our environment full of art and new encounters. And many more spaces to explore.

This is another "fully unlocked" build with the existing legacy battle and charm systems running on top of the new world. This should be the last legacy build before we switch the next iteration of the core game loop on. Excite! 🦇

If you get a chance to check out 0.14.0, please let me know what you think in our Discord. I'm particularly interested in any performance issues you might encounter, but all feedback is appreciated!

A General Access version with fixes and more content will come very soon. I'll get a progress update ready for that ASAP 💪

I appreciate your support!

- Amra

Monster Charmer 0.14.0 download

Monster Charmer 0.14.0 build notes

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Published a year ago